
International Student Reviews for RAC Digital Arts College featuring Richard Braganza of India, a Recording Arts Canada student.

Why are you studying Sound & Music Recording? I’m interested in being a front of house (FOH) engineer. I’ve always been a stage tech but now I want to be FOH and monitor mix engineer. Ultimately I want to own my own sound rental company.

Why did you choose RAC?

The curriculum addressed my needs and in comparison to other colleges the tuition fees were perfect.

Why did you choose to study in Toronto/Canada?

I choose Toronto because RAC is here. 

Did you apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada on your own or did you use an immigration consultant/lawyer?

I used the immigration consultant recommend by RAC. It’s very helpful to have a professional handle your visa application file. Also, I found the consultants back in India are not familiar with private career colleges and not efficient in processing the paperwork. Someone from Toronto will do a better job. 

What was the biggest challenge when preparing to study in a foreign country?

The biggest challenge was to get my finances in place. But apart from that the RAC admissions process was very smooth and everybody here was very helpful. 

Are you allowed to work while studying at RAC?

Yes. I have a work permit. And I heard the live music industry is big in Toronto, especially in the summer months. And also theatres are given a lot of importance here. If had to choose between Canada and the U.S. I’d choose Canada for the live sound industry. Art and culture is very important here in Canada.

What recommendations do you have for an international student wanting to study audio in a foreign country?

Try to review the basics before starting at RAC. This is an immersion program and a lot of material is covered quickly. But the instructors are very helpful. We’re tested regularly and teachers are working with you to ensure you’re keeping up with your studies. Someone from the faculty is always working with you.

Do you plan to launch your career in Toronto?

I would love to.

How did RAC help you?

Areas like equalization I now understand the science of it after having the opportunity to work with professionals. The program is in-depth and it offers me exactly what I want. 

What do you think of Toronto?

Nice people. Vibrant city. I was able to adapt without any problems. It’s just great. 

What is the best part of your experience so far?

Getting my hands on equipment that is otherwise inaccessible to me. 

Would you consider providing direct feedback to someone from India considering RAC?

Yes, sure. So far everything is great. But I would recommend to start the process early. For me it took about 4 months to take care of all the paperwork.